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EGamersWorld/Новини/Counter-Strike (CS2)/Intel Extreme Masters Dallas 2022: results of the first matches

Intel Extreme Masters Dallas 2022: results of the first matches

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So, the first day of the IEM Dallas 2022 group stage has begun. The first matches are played in bo1 format.

Astralis vs. Vitality

  1. Vitality removed Ancient
  2. Astralis removed Dust2
  3. Astralis removed Inferno
  4. Vitality removed Overpass
  5. Vitality removed Nuke
  6. Astralis removed Mirage
  7. Vertigo was left over

The teams chose Vertigo as their map, and if for Vitality this map is not the best with 50% win rate, then for Astralis this map is the worst with less than 20% win rate. Who, if not zonic, knew what to pick against his former wards. Although the match ended with a score of 12:16 in favor of Vitality, I would not say that this game was tense for them. I would like to mention ZywOo, who finished the match with excellent statistics 32-16, as well as not the best performance of k0nfig, he finished the match 9-19.

FaZe Clan vs Encore

  1. Encore removed Mirage
  2. FaZe removed Vertigo
  3. FaZe removed Overpass
  4. Encore removed Inferno
  5. Encore removed Nuke
  6. FaZe removed Ancient
  7. Dust2 was left over

Here, predictably, the team from Australia failed to cope with the top 1 of the world ranking. For FaZe, this game turned out to be a cakewalk, the match ended 16:5 in their favor. Twistzz showed good shooting, ending the match with a 25-7 record.

Intel Extreme Masters Season XVII- Dallas started on May 30th and will end on June 5th.

The total prize fund of the tournament is $250,000. The winner will receive the main prize of $100,000.

IEM Dallas Prize Pool Breakdown:

1st place: $100,000

2nd place: $42,000

3rd-4th place: $20,000

5th-6th place: $10,000

7th-8th place: $6,000

9th-12th place: $5,000

13th-16th place: $4,000

Danil Chepil

Danil Chepil is an expert in the world of esports, having been following the esports scene since 2014. He specializes in Counter-Strike, Dota 2, and VALORANT.

Danil began his acquaintance and collaboration with EgamersWorld in 2022 when, after the Russian aggression, he could no longer continue his career as a bartender. 

At that time, he didn't realize that he had a talent for writing news and articles on esports and gaming topics.

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