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EGamersWorld/Новини/VALORANT/Nerd Street Gamers Organize VCT 2022: North America Stage 1 Challengers

Nerd Street Gamers Organize VCT 2022: North America Stage 1 Challengers

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Riot Games has announced the appointment of tournament operator Nerd Street Gamers as its exclusive partner for VCT 2022: North America Stage 1 Challengers. The agreement will allow Nerd Street Gamers to host and broadcast the championship.

John Fazio, CEO and Founder of Nerd Street Gamers: "Riot Games is an outstanding partner, and Nerd Street Gamers is delighted to continue working with a publisher that supports its game communities, from aspiring gamers to fans, talent, and professional teams. As an organization, we are proud by providing top-notch service to every organization we work with, and being selected to work with VCT for our second year demonstrates the success we were able to achieve together last year."

VCT 2022: North America Stage 1 Challengers will begin with two open qualifiers for 128 teams, the first of which is expected to start on January 27th. VCT 2022: North America Stage 1 Challengers itself will start on February 11th and run until March 27th. It should be noted that at present the composition of the championship participants is as follows: Sentinels, Envy, Cloud9 Blue and 100 Thieves.

Along with hosting the first VCT 2022 series championship, Nerd Street Gamers will manage all of Riot Games' tournaments in North America this year.

Source: www.esportsinsider.com
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