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FUSION ПРОТИ 19esports

VALORANT Challengers 2024: LAN Split 1VALORANT Challengers 2024: LAN Split 1ОглядОгляд подійvalorantvalorantFUSION1.3208.03.24 17:00Bo32:0valorantvalorant19esports3.1
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Матч FUSION проти 19esports в дисципліні VALORANT відбувся 08.03.2024 at 22:00 в форматі BO3.

Матч VALORANT між FUSION та 19esports проходив в рамках VALORANT Challengers 2024: LAN Split 1. Букмекери прогнозують перемогу FUSION з 1.32. Інші прогнози дивіться на сторінці прогнозів.

Переможцем матчу VALORANT стала команда FUSION з рахунком 2:0 та протрималась 0 s.

Результати всіх зустрічей FUSION та 19esports по дисципліні VALORANT.

Опоненти FUSION 19esports
Рейтинг EGamersWorld 4.76 7.64
Нинішня смуга 1 lose 7 lose
Перемоги в останніх 5 матчах 2 0
Кількість перемог в останніх 10 матчах 4 3
Кількість перемог в очних зустрічах 2 1


What are the results of the previous meetings between the FUSION and 19esports?
  • The FUSION and 19esports teams have matched up 3 times
  • FUSION won 2 times
  • 19esports won 1 times
  • Last time the teams met on 27.10.23 01:00 (UTC)
What are the predictions of the outcome of the match between FUSION and 19esports?

According to bookmakers' forecasts, FUSION has a better chance of winning.

Bookmakers' odds:

  • FUSION - 1.32
  • 19esports - 3.1
What is a match in VALORANT?
In VALORANT, a match is a competition between two teams where their goals include killing enemy players, destroying objects, or controlling points on the map, and the team that reaches these goals first or scores the required number of points wins.
How long does a VALORANT match last?
The duration of a match in VALORANT can vary depending on the type of game and the skills of the teams. For example, in the "Explosive Bomb" mode, a match can last from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on how quickly the team achieves victory in the required number of rounds. In the Dispatch mode, the duration can be similar or slightly shorter, depending on the team's success in controlling points on the map.
What are the conditions for winning a VALORANT match?
In VALORANT, victory conditions vary by game mode. In Bomb mode, the Attacking team wins by planting a bomb or eliminating all Defense players. The Defense team wins by eliminating all Attack players or preventing the bomb from being planted. In Dispatch mode, a team wins by controlling points on the map for a certain time, with the first team to reach a set number of points winning.
Where can I place a bet on a VALORANT match?
Currently, betting on VALORANT matches is available at various bookmakers and gaming platforms specializing in esports. These platforms offer bets on VALORANT matches. Before placing bets, ensure you are using a reliable and legal platform to avoid potential issues with financial security or personal data misuse.
What guarantees the integrity of matches in VALORANT?
VALORANT ensures the integrity of matches through the use of anti-cheat systems, regular updates, increased sanctions against violators and active participation of players in detecting unfair behavior and cheating.
What are the rules for VALORANT matches?
In VALORANT, matches are played according to rules that govern various aspects of the game, such as time per round, team composition, character selection, and mode objectives. these rules are designed to ensure fairness and equity in the game for all players.
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